February 23, 2010

For the first time,

in a long time, I feel complete.
I'm anxious for the future not because of fears of what it may bring,
but because I KNOW there are great things to come.
I have become a romantic of sorts (something I never used to be).
I just want to shout it from the rooftops.
I can't.
Someday I will show you off.
February 19, 2010

Bad Day

I'm choosing to start off today's bad post with some happy pictures from last weekend.
Has a week gone by already? OI!

Yesterday was not my day.
First, my morning started off by going in to get Aves out of her bed.
She was SOAKED in pee. (This is not unusual at all)
I picked her up and kissed her on the cheek (like I do every single morning ever.)

This particular morning, not only were her jammies soaked in pee...
but so was her FACE!!

I freaked out trying to wash my now pee-soaked mouth while my 2-year-old just laughed hysterically at me.
Apparantly, Mommy getting pee lips is the funniest thing ever.
(ok, it is really, really funny looking back)

We went to run errands after I cleaned up the pee and my child and my face.
We went to Target.
Cool. Nothing new.

On the way out to the car, the HUGE case of waters that was on the bottom rack of the cart slid off of the cart and spilled open...EVERYWHERE!
Keep in mind, the basket (with my child in it) was in the middle of the road!

I was scrambling to pick up the waters and the case of waters AND get my cart/child out of the road.
It was a hilarious sight........
especially to the ONE guy (a Target employee) that watched me and laughed at me,
instead of laughing and HELPING me!!

Note to self: Always, always help those in need...it's ok to laugh but help, too.

What a day!
February 11, 2010


I have been thinking a lot lately about stress and how I handle it.
Stress is a big thing that most everyone deals with.
Parenting, finances, school, work, life in general.
All of these things are positive, but when they become overwhelming, we get stressed.
I had the pleasure of having lunch with my daddy yesterday.
He is the MOST laid-back, relaxed, chilled out person I have ever, ever know.
I decided to ask him how he handles stress, knowing fully what his answer would be.
He replied, "Well, I sit back, take a deep breath, and realize that it could always be worse."
Yep, perfect.
He couldn't have answered it better...because that's exactly how I handle stress, also.
I know it's easier said than done.
when you really think about things and put them into perspective,
life really isn't that stressful.
So, I'm a single mom.
Big deal!
There are so many single moms out there that have struggling to provide a good life for their kids.
I have such an amazingly supportive family that I never feel like I'm doing it alone.
No stress, just blessings.
I'm a full-time student.
So what?!
I choose to go to school so that I can one day provide a better life for my little girl and me.
What's so stressful about that?

I work 2 jobs...wah wah!
I work for two great aunts that help me keep my head above water.
I can't be stressed when I have at least some money coming in, right?



My little darling still isn't getting the potty-training thing.
She had another "potty in her panties" accident this morning...all over my floor.
And this was right after she got up off of the potty chair.
I just can't give up!

She also had another accident of a different caliber.
She fell off of my bed for the first time.
Right on her head.
She screamed; my brother and I freaked out.
She is fine.
Just a carpet burn on her forehead...I don't know how she managed that one.


Having a child means giving lots and lots of baths.
Luckily, bathtime is the best time of the day.
Avery is the happiest when it's bathtime.

Today, after her bath, Avery said, "want to take a picture of Elmo."
So I had her set him exactly where she wanted the picture taken.
I showed her the picture I took and she said "It's perfect!"


If it wasn't for the eyes, I don't think anyone would believe that she is mine.

Luckily, she got the best part of me.

I own my own house.
It's being rented by a sweet lady right now.
I just hope that she keeps up with my flower garden.
I helped build this garden...it used to just be a patch of grass.

These are just some of my lillies that bloomed last spring.
My very favorites.


Since this is turning out to be a random post....
Doesn't she have the most kissable cheeks in the world?
Look at those puppies! I kiss them so many times a day.
I'll ask Avery, "How many kisses?"
She replies, "MILLIONS!"
Yep, that sounds about right.

Who wouldn't want to kiss those chubby cheeks?
She is like an angel.
I tell her that everyday.


I find myself missing my old style and look...a lot.
I used to be so fun and different.

I always had cute hair cuts.

I always wore a funky eyeshadow color.
I miss this.

I crave to look "normal" these days.
In high school, I was voted most original style every year and had my picture in the yearbook as a result.
Um, kind of awesome, I think.
Now, I dress so plain Jane.
I suppose that I feel like I should dress more conservatively because I am a mom now.
I want to get my cute style back.
I still have the clothing and make-up.
I need to funk it up because lately I am just boring!
Since I have all the right gear, I just need to "make it work."

February 8, 2010

here I am

It's a funny thing being alone.
I don't really ever mind it...most of the time.
I have always said that I work better alone.
For the most part, that stands true to this day.

I have been thinking though; I don't want to be old and alone.
I just don't.
I want to give Avery a sibling(s).
I want a man to stand by my side and go through life with me.

My parents will have been married for 30 years this June.
30 years!

my dad's Christmas party 2009

They had 3 children and now one grandchild.
Life is sweet for them.

a family friend's wedding, Jan. 2009

my brother's 21st birthday, July 2009

lake, summer 2009

December 2009

My parents are still in love with each other.
I admire that.
I also admire that my parents are still very affectionate towards each other...even in front of us or company.
And you know, what is there to be ashamed of?
July, 2009
I grew up knowing that no matter what, my parents love each other and they are not afraid to show it.
I want a love like that.
I want to show Avery a love like that.
Although I can't imagine what kind of man I will end up with, I imagine that he's a good man.
I would like a man that shares the same values as I do: peace, love, faith, and contentment.
I NEED a man who loves to just hang out at home sometimes where it's warm, comfortable, and safe.
I NEED a man who desires adventure, loves time at the lake, and lives for summertime.

my brother wakeboarding, summer 2008

summer 2008

my cousin, Luke, summer 2008

view from the lake house, Spring 2009

Avery, spring 2009
Uncle Aaron and Avery, spring 2009

Avery and her uncles, spring 2009

Avery and Papa, December 2009

I NEED a man who has a heart for family, because, let's face it, family is my everything.

family, Christmas 2009

I don't feel like that is too much to ask.

It's only hard because I am a mother, too.
It's a scary thing for most men to get involved in...I guess.
But come on...What's so scary about this pair?

tubing, summer 2009

Thanksgiving 2008

Avery's 2nd birthday, August 2009

my favorite, October 2009

October 2009

I feel as if I should say all of this just to say that I will be patient.
I will be picky.

I just need someone who wants to be a part of my life.
And let's face it, it's a sweet, sweet life.

neighborhood pool, August 2009

favorite shoes, 2009

pumpkin patch, October 2009

petting zoo, October 2009

petting zoo, October 2009

my girl, November 2009

my girl and her babies, December 2009

About Me

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Simply Barefoot
I am a single mommy to the most beautiful little girl in the world. My daughter is my whole world. I love music, tv, and movies. I know quite a bit about computers. I love to take pictures and I always have my camera with me to capture special moments. I am a little lady with a big heart. I'm very confident in myself. I am a total hippie on the inside. I love animals and nature. I'm optimistic. I love my family more than anything. Also, during the summer, the lake is my life.
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