January 26, 2010

DON'T! let it snow

It's beautiful, isn't it? Noooooo! This Thursday the weather man is predicting millions of inches of ice/snow/crap. AND it's my birthday on Sunday. This would be either the 4th of 5th birthday in a row that it has been nasty out. Let's all hold hands and pray for no snow! I would like to celebrate my birthday on Saturday like a normal person!

Ok, ok. Enough of that.
Can you believe that this is my sweet little baby Avery?

Isn't she dear? Oh how I love her and she sweet little baby self. I have some serious baby fever. I think it's only because Avery is becoming more and more independent everyday.

This is my sweet *big girl* Avery. She is illuminating and so darling. She has the most perfectly kissable cheeks...

and she thinks I do too :)

We are a perfect pair.

She is seriously my angel. I think I could be alone forever and just be her mommy and I would be completely ok with that...as long as she never grows up ;)

You know, she looks NOTHING like me...except the eyes. The best part...if you ask me :)

I think of all the things in the world that could make me happy, and nothing makes me happier than my sweet *big girl* Avery.

Are you tired of the sap? Maybe I'll post something a little different tomorrow.
Like...pictures of my clean closet!!


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About Me
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Simply Barefoot
I am a single mommy to the most beautiful little girl in the world. My daughter is my whole world. I love music, tv, and movies. I know quite a bit about computers. I love to take pictures and I always have my camera with me to capture special moments. I am a little lady with a big heart. I'm very confident in myself. I am a total hippie on the inside. I love animals and nature. I'm optimistic. I love my family more than anything. Also, during the summer, the lake is my life.
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