January 17, 2010

Inspiration (a story of lacking some)

This being my first post, I am quite positive that I need no introduction.
I'm Amber, blah blah blah.
The story is absolutely the same. Simple. Peaceful. Honest.

I find it to be so reassuring that no matter who comes in and out of my life, I always remain the same. You know, compromise is a dirty thing...remaining true to yourself...now THAT is something of great fairytales and romance. Ok, maybe it's not. But it should be.

It's so easy to become a slave to happiness. Most of us search far and wide for that certain guy slash girl slash job that will absolutely end all hints of sadness. Something to just make us want to smile all the time, not because we have to, but because we WANT to.

What I'm screaming is that it is possible to find that happiness within yourself! Why limit yourself to only only being happy if the right opportunities come along?! It sounds completely absurd. I am a firm believer in making choices for yourself and it starts with making the choice to be happy NO MATTER WHAT.

Of course, it's not as easy as it sounds, but with practice and knowing that nothing can bring you down (especially: NO ONE), life has no boundaries. Happiness and success are limitless when you can bring them to yourself.

All of this, a lesson I have had to teach myself: when life fails to meet your needs, meet them on your own.


Anonymous said...

I guess this post is a little late, but I just came across your blog and I wanted to say thank you! Thank you for being so positive, thank you for being such a wonderful mother, thank you for not being afraid to speak your mind and keep going. Know that you are truly inspiring. I look forward to more blogging!

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About Me
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Simply Barefoot
I am a single mommy to the most beautiful little girl in the world. My daughter is my whole world. I love music, tv, and movies. I know quite a bit about computers. I love to take pictures and I always have my camera with me to capture special moments. I am a little lady with a big heart. I'm very confident in myself. I am a total hippie on the inside. I love animals and nature. I'm optimistic. I love my family more than anything. Also, during the summer, the lake is my life.
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