February 8, 2010

here I am

It's a funny thing being alone.
I don't really ever mind it...most of the time.
I have always said that I work better alone.
For the most part, that stands true to this day.

I have been thinking though; I don't want to be old and alone.
I just don't.
I want to give Avery a sibling(s).
I want a man to stand by my side and go through life with me.

My parents will have been married for 30 years this June.
30 years!

my dad's Christmas party 2009

They had 3 children and now one grandchild.
Life is sweet for them.

a family friend's wedding, Jan. 2009

my brother's 21st birthday, July 2009

lake, summer 2009

December 2009

My parents are still in love with each other.
I admire that.
I also admire that my parents are still very affectionate towards each other...even in front of us or company.
And you know, what is there to be ashamed of?
July, 2009
I grew up knowing that no matter what, my parents love each other and they are not afraid to show it.
I want a love like that.
I want to show Avery a love like that.
Although I can't imagine what kind of man I will end up with, I imagine that he's a good man.
I would like a man that shares the same values as I do: peace, love, faith, and contentment.
I NEED a man who loves to just hang out at home sometimes where it's warm, comfortable, and safe.
I NEED a man who desires adventure, loves time at the lake, and lives for summertime.

my brother wakeboarding, summer 2008

summer 2008

my cousin, Luke, summer 2008

view from the lake house, Spring 2009

Avery, spring 2009
Uncle Aaron and Avery, spring 2009

Avery and her uncles, spring 2009

Avery and Papa, December 2009

I NEED a man who has a heart for family, because, let's face it, family is my everything.

family, Christmas 2009

I don't feel like that is too much to ask.

It's only hard because I am a mother, too.
It's a scary thing for most men to get involved in...I guess.
But come on...What's so scary about this pair?

tubing, summer 2009

Thanksgiving 2008

Avery's 2nd birthday, August 2009

my favorite, October 2009

October 2009

I feel as if I should say all of this just to say that I will be patient.
I will be picky.

I just need someone who wants to be a part of my life.
And let's face it, it's a sweet, sweet life.

neighborhood pool, August 2009

favorite shoes, 2009

pumpkin patch, October 2009

petting zoo, October 2009

petting zoo, October 2009

my girl, November 2009

my girl and her babies, December 2009


Lux Love Child said...

I absolutely loved this.

AshleyAnn said...

What a great post. I love that there are so many pictures of your brothers and that you use a picture of them as an example of what you want (the adventurous side). I so hope and pray my daughter looks to her brothers and dad as examples for what she wants in a husband.

Great post!

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About Me
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Simply Barefoot
I am a single mommy to the most beautiful little girl in the world. My daughter is my whole world. I love music, tv, and movies. I know quite a bit about computers. I love to take pictures and I always have my camera with me to capture special moments. I am a little lady with a big heart. I'm very confident in myself. I am a total hippie on the inside. I love animals and nature. I'm optimistic. I love my family more than anything. Also, during the summer, the lake is my life.
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