February 1, 2010
well, it snowed...

...but my birthday was not ruined!
I was determined to celebrate regardless and the roads ended up not being bad AT ALL!
Although some friends couldn't make it, I still had a great time with some great family and friends.
I didn't take any pictures though...well, just one. I was too busy socializing and having fun!
Getting ready for the snow was a lot like the scene from "A Christmas Story" where the mom layers up the kid so much that he couldn't move. And when he fell, of course he couldn't get up.
I chuckled to myself as I layered up my little girl.
When she fell in the snow later, I laughed so hard because she couldn't get up either!
I'm not a mean mommy though, right? :)

Aves and I always wear sunglasses. We are cool babes, afterall.
See?! How funny is Avery falling in the snow and getting stuck?!
I helped her up eventually...after I snapped a quick photo of the hilarity:)
Last year, my middle brother went sledding with some friends at one of those retention(sp?) ponds in town.
The hills are HUGE!
When you go down them, you seriously go so fast it could injure you easily.
Well, point of this is that they saw a man break BOTH of his ankles by putting his feet out to stop himself at the bottom of the hill!!
Also, my cousin's friend broke his thumb last year doing the same thing.
Point is, we do safe sledding at my house.
Maybe I'm a weenie, but Avery is way too little to be doing anything of that nature.
AND she has just as much fun being pulled around the yard on a sled.
However, I have to admit that nature really is miraculous.
Look at how thick the ice is! WOW!!

I can honestly say that Avery and I were not that cold.
Layering up has it's advantages.

I was exhausted after one go-around.
Yay Nana for taking over!
Avery was screaming and squealing with delight.
She screamed and didn't want to lay down in the snow.
My mom (Nana) thought she could get her to do it.
NOPE!! She still screamed.
It's my cousin April and I at Cosmo.
Aren't we dear? ;)
She loves him :)
I appears that she is smiling in this one....don't be fooled...she is SCREAMING!
And this is my new favorite picture of the two of them.
It makes my heart smile :)
(It kind of was...shhh don't tell her!)

She had to help me blow out the candles.
Sigh, will she ever get over it and just say cheese?!
Maybe when she's 3...

She had to help me blow out the candles.
Full of fun, laughter, friends, family, and birthday cake.
Life is good.
I do have one funny story to tell.
We went shopping on Saturday and a woman told Avery that her outfit was cute. (she had on a leopard print outfit....she is her momma's daughter :) )
I quickly whispered "say 'thank you'" as any good mom would.
But NO! Avery touched her shirt and stated plainly, "yes, it's called leopard."
Ahh, I love my little girl.
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About Me

- Simply Barefoot
- I am a single mommy to the most beautiful little girl in the world. My daughter is my whole world. I love music, tv, and movies. I know quite a bit about computers. I love to take pictures and I always have my camera with me to capture special moments. I am a little lady with a big heart. I'm very confident in myself. I am a total hippie on the inside. I love animals and nature. I'm optimistic. I love my family more than anything. Also, during the summer, the lake is my life.
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